Submission: SmokeFree 2025
Read our submission on "Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan" by clicking here, or on the document image to the right. We recommend that only minimum pricing proceed and if the Ministry of Health wants to make a big difference, then being patient and backing the vaping amendments (passed only last August), is the way to go. We furthermore recommend:
Taking the $25 million being spent on headcount at the Ministry, DHBs and the academics and invest every cent into quit programmes and vaping. To drive down smoking you need to make vaping normal. If you don’t understand that you don’t understand what makes people tick in the real world.
Reversing restrictions on vaping flavours in dairies, retail and service stations starts from August. The Ministry of Health could wreck something that was not broken and which was dropping cigarette sales in a way that allowed dairies to transition to non-smoked tobacco sales.