Submission: Three Strikes Repeal

Read our submission that was submitted in early January 2022 to the Justice Select Committee at Three Strikes Legislation Repeal Bill Submission.

Repeal is opposed at a time when there is record violence, a lot of it directed at the retail food sector, record gun crime, lawlessness in our towns and cities,and growing gang culture.

This is not hearsay as Auckland recorded an explosion in retail crime during a period when the city was locked down for months.

We also point the Committee to the proposed Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 policy (December 2021), where from 2024, legal outlets will be reduced by 90% while cigarette nicotine content will be cut by upwards of 95% from 2025. This will impact dairies as casual criminals and the black-marketers target shops before these controls come into effect.

The three-strikes provision is not petty but is linked to 40 of the most serious crimes within the Crimes Act.

We call on MPs and Ministers to put their careers where our lives are and pledge to resign if someone is injured or worse by a criminal who would have been in jail under Three-strikes that is proposed for repeal.


Submission: Grocery Sector Covenants


Submission: ComCom on Supermarkets